Thursday, December 27, 2012


Thought I would reflect or maybe it's closer to ramble about some of the things that have happened and I have been pondering...

Christmas. Although we have been missing our friends and family; it has been wonderful here in Uganda. We have felt so welcomed by our Ugandan friends including an invitation for a Christmas-day meal. It was amazing, there were 23 dishes of food, Henry counted, on the table. I was stuffed and so satisfied. Gift giving is not a big part of Christmas here, worship is though. I'm thinking this is another thing Ugandan's have figured out. By gift standards this was a "poor" Christmas, but it seemed so "rich" to our family. The kids made gifts for us and were so excited for their presents. A great memory.

How is it that over 3 billion of the world's population make less than $2/day? I have now met people like this, they were not at all like I expected. They are wonderfully caring, loving, gracious, giving, want to do better, hardworking believers. When I read of this "Fiscal Cliff" in the US news it seems so strange, foreign and hard to grasp from where I sit today. By US news definition these people fell off the cliff years ago but there is something incredible down here, below that cliff. But what are we supposed to do about this ever-growing income disparity? This is something I have been reading and pondering.

I'm still struck by the belief and faith here. You can see it, well almost. It is something that doesn't happen where I'm from except in the safety of a Sunday morning in a church that you often don't tell people you even go to. Why did I feel that way? Will I feel this way when we come back?

In a recent conversation with a Ugandan here, he asked "everyone wants to go to United States even Europeans and Australians but why would you ever want to come here?" We talked for a long time and it was one of those great conversations here that you just get surprised by. It was a wonderful reminder to me of why we are here.

Homeschooling. With the school schedule here being different than the US the kids need about 1/3 a year of homeschooling. I am the math teacher. This has been a lesson in patience for me. My kids are so smart but it is frustrating trying to teach something that seems so obvious to me and so foreign to them. My respect goes to all teachers. This is a hard job and I only have two students, one subject. Teachers amaze me! The first test was well personally devastating and I almost fired the math teacher -- me. But test scores and teaching are getting better. Still the whole thing has been so much harder than I ever imagined, but I praise God for the opportunity to learn from and teach these beautiful amazing children of ours.

I'm so proud of my kids and family. Things are good. Our work is going so well. It can sometimes be hard, frustrating and confusing. But most of the time we are doing the things Heather and I dreamed of when we came here.

So there are some of my ramblings with more questions than answers. I believe that one of the characteristics of leadership is not about having answers but rather about asking positive questions. For some reason I thought this only applied to work, turns out this applies to a lot more than I ever imagined...

God Bless. Troy


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Holidays from Uganda!

    Original snowflake creation by Avery and Henry
First, apologies that I've been behind on my turn to blog.  I have realized the busyness of this season is universal, whether you're in Uganda or the States or probably anywhere else in the world!  Two main things have happened over the last month.  Avery and Henry finished the term at WCIA on 11/30, complete with report cards.  Their school year here follows the calendar, so it was the end of the school year and they are now on holiday until 1/28.  Since we arrived here last August, they entered the school year in the third (last) term of the year, so we will have to decide in discussions with their teachers if they will move on to the next grade here, or stay in the grade they started here in September to go back and get the first 2 terms of instruction they missed.   Still processing many things about our experiences with the education system here, but so proud of Avery and Henry for allowing us to turn their world upside down and for taking away so many positive things from this experience.

The second happening was our family vacation to Zanzibar Island.  We were originally going to take this trip in mid December, but we had to move it up due to visa issues and left on 11/28 for a week.  This was the day our visa expired.  Unfortunately, this meant the kids had to miss the last two days of school with all the fun year end festivities.  Zanzibar was a great consolation though!  It was absolutely beautiful and we enjoyed some much needed R&R as a family.  All our pictures are posted on FB, which I'm sure many of you already saw.  We played in the water, took a spice tour, read lots, and ate way too much incredible food!  Upon re-entering the country, we got a new 3 month visa which should be more than a sufficient amount of time for Immigration to complete the processing of our work permit which has been quite a process that has been a test in patience.  

Since returning we have been settling into our new routine of home schooling in the morning and Troy and I continuing our work on the projects in the afternoons.  We are trying to get in the Christmas spirit.  It's a bit hard to realize it's almost Christmas when it's 80 degrees every day and we're not baking Christmas cookies and sweets and all our other normal traditions from home.  But, the kids have been doing some great decorating and we have lots of fun holiday events to look forward to in the coming month.  Here are just a few:

  • We're having 25 Days of Christmas and watching one Christmas movie every day in December (as long as the home schooling gets done first!)  We found about 12 movies here and dear friends sent us a package with many more to complete our series!  
  • Thus., 12/13 - Girls day out shopping for our Christmas outfits (one of the few times I will be able to force Avery to wear a dress - still working on trying to get her to leave her hair down, but am guessing that is not going to happen)
  • Sat., 12/15 - a kid's Christmas picnic with Resty's (base camp manager) Sunday School 
  • Sun., 12/16 - an outing to a children's cantata at a local church and Avery and Henry are both inviting a friend from school and then we'll all go out to lunch
  • Mon., 12/17 - AVERY'S BIRTHDAY, Plans are undecided yet for the day's activity but she has requested a special dinner of chicken, chips, cooked cabbage and I am going to attempt an ice cream/oreo cake which is tradition for her birthday.  Sure it won't be quite as good as Dairy Queen, but will do our best.  
  • Wed., 12/19 - CLD Christmas Party from 2-6 pm here at the base camp.  Sure to involve lots of laughing, eating, music and dancing.  Dress code is red, white or gold.  
  • Sun., 12/23 - Take it to the Streets with Light the World church.  Everyone meets on a local street to worship, coming in jeans or shorts - no fancy dress and we hold church in the street.  Excited to experience this!
  • Tues., 12/24 - Planning to just have a nice quiet Greenwood Family Christmas Eve here at the base camp with hot chocolate, snacks and a movie.
  • Wed., 12/25 - CHRISTMAS!  Have been invited by Gladys, WCIA Medical Clinic nurse to spend the day with her family.  This is the same family of Lynus, Henry's close friend.  Looking forward to being part of their family celebration and so blessed to have been invited.  
  • Thurs., 12/26 - Tickets to a dance performance starring one of our friends here, Mercy.  And wow, can she dance!  Can't wait!
It's hard for us to believe it's almost the end of 2012!  What experiences we have had this year. Recently, CLD leadership in the states asked to reflect on our time here so far and summarize our thoughts and perspectives as they prepare for a retreat next week.  So, it was a challenge for us to look back over the last 3 months and think about the work we have been so blessed to be a part of.  Don't feel bad if this is just too long and tedious for you to read, we won't be offended.  I just decided to post all of this in part for our family as somewhat of a record to look back upon in years ahead and remind us of all our experiences and great work that we had the opportunity to be involved in.  Most importantly, we have had the privilege of getting to know some really amazing people in this work and they are what it is all about at the end of the day!  Yes, there have been frustrations and heartbreaking stories along the way, but continued learning has been a daily theme and we expect that to continue in our work ahead in 2013.    

WCIA (Wakiso Christian International Academy)
  1. Computer lab: created proposal, hired teacher, setup computers and started classes
  2. Conducted Friday Staff Professional Development for teachers.  Topics included, professionalism,  brainstorming for evaluation process, critical thinking, and personal financial management
  3. Setup volleyball net and conducted weekly lessons
  4. Sponsored two all school swim sessions with 1st grade and higher.  Supplied 100 new swim suits thanks to Forest Park Blue Fins and First Plymouth VBS kids
  5. Implemented new positive Student Motivation Program called Rising STARS (spiritual, teachable, achievers, responsible students) for rewarding students for exemplary behavior
  6. Implemented Staff Evaluation form and processes
  7. Completed draft of WCIA Staff Code of Conduct
  8. Setup laptops for both headmaster and administrator
  9. Assisted  with the creation of electronic weekly tests
  10. Recorded songs and created logo for God Squad, the school choir
  11. Assisted with recruiting efforts including new brochure, flyer and video
  12. Coordinated all students making Christmas cards for their parents and the community
  13. Assisted with Community Outreach movie night
  14. Started new community savings circle called Hope Savings Circle. Meets weekly on Fridays at WCIA and currently has around 30 members.
Medical Clinic
  1. Started working with the nurse on financial reporting and record keeping.  Goal in December during the less busy season to establish a strong foundation for recording keeping and budgeting to begin use in the new year, both for WCIA students and community patients.  
Double Portion Farm
  1. “Invested capital" - weeding, hoeing, slashing and other tasks as necessary
  2. Organized monthly budget reporting/tracking
  3. Implemented new monthly excel financial and goal reporting
  4. Created harvest report and tracking excel spreadsheet
  5. Assisted with creation of board report
  6. Setup tour of farm for WCIA students in October
  7. Assisted with development of feedback survey for first term students
Thread of Life
  1. Completed 6 weeks of personal finance lessons with Advanced class students
  2. Met with each student to develop individual financial plans and goals and continuing to mentor these women on Wednesday afternoons
  3. Found and setup laptop for program administrator
  4. Assisted with feedback survey for class
  5. Assisted with plans for Advanced class celebration
  6. Working with administrator on Excel training and began implementing processes for financial and program reporting for TOL
  7. Assisted in process to recommend students from Katanga slums for sponsorship in 2013 at WCIA
  8. Overall support of administrator in her transitional leadership role at TOL
And if that wasn't enough detail yet, here is our tentative plan for 2013 in our remaining time here.  Think these months are going to fly by way too quickly!  

Troy's Focus Areas for 2013
CLD Overall
Business processes, procedures, professionalism
Technology review /recommendation 
Financial management practices
Leadership training/mentorship
Computer training for CLD staff

Budget and financial management
Computer Lab
Work with headmaster and administrator on processes, procedures and management
Establish & teach Create! class (tentative)
Assist with occasional Professional Development sessions

Double Portion Farm
Budget and financial management
Profit /Loss analysis for Farm/VTC
Harvest report and analysis
Sustainability analysis
Teach classes: computer/time mgmt

Heather's Focus Areas for 2013
Pre/K – work with teachers to design, supply and implement centers for play based learning
Work with individual teachers to document curriculum objectives for each grade
Community Savings Circle
Transition Rising STARs program to teachers
Continue Volleyball

Medical Clinic
Help nurse implement budget, patient recording keeping and financial reporting procedures on monthly basis.  

Double Portion Farm
Teach personal finance classes to VTC students on Thursday afternoons
Help with manual labor

Thread of Life (TOL)
Participate in re-envisioning the ministry
Assisting with leadership transition
Continue to help implement financial and program reporting procedures
Teach personal finance if another student class offered

How will we dedicate our time to try and accomplish this work?  It's been so gratifying to have the flexibility to work with all projects and build relationships at each one.  They are wonderfully different, yet all doing such critical work in empowering and educating Ugandans.  Here's our tentative weekly schedule below. 

Tentative Weekly Schedule in 2013
Monday:  Troy & Heather at WCIA
Tuesday: Troy working at base camp on farm reporting & WCIA computer lab mentoring
                 Heather at TOL
Wednesday:  Troy working on leadership/management at base camp, Heather at TOL
Thursday:  Troy & Heather at farm teaching leadership, computer and financial classes
Friday:  Troy & Heather at WCIA, Heather at Saving Circle Friday evenings

If you've survived through all of this reading, we wish all of you a joyous Christmas and a truly inspired new year in 2013!  I know I have said this over and over, but we cannot thank each and every one of you enough that have supported us in countless ways this past year - both in all of our months of planning and since we have actually been here in Uganda.  I just don't think thank you are words that we can ever overuse.  

I will end with this thought, even though it's more a end of year reflection which is a few weeks away.....Never did I think that I would be sitting here in Uganda writing a blog about our family's time here.  I am sure that a lot of you have had similar experiences of all of a sudden realizing you are in a totally different place in your life than you ever would have guessed.  Life is a grand adventure and I hope that all of you seek out whatever and wherever life is meant to take you next in 2013. 

All our love~